Penis enlargement using an Ass Spark

Think about
all the places that you can wear your Ass
and no one would be the wiser. Then, think about all the things you
could be doing while you were wearing one of these and how much more fun it
could be for you at the same time. There is nothing you can’t do while wearing
an anal plug, unless, of course, you are going in for a prostate exam or
something of that nature. But since you don’t have to do things like that all
that often, you can usually prepare ahead of time to not be wearing it.

Penis enlargement, penis enhancement, cock stretching units by Koala along with extreme mens swimwear and male chastity products.

There are a
lot of things in my life that bring me happiness, but only my Ass Spark can bring me the erotic
feelings that good anal play can bring a guy. If you have never tried anal play
before, then purchasing something like this from is a pretty good
way of getting started. You can try it out in your own home when you are alone
so that you can get used to the way something like this works, and you don’t
have to feel embarrassed about it. This is one of the main reasons that guys
start anal play out in this fashion.

Of course,
you should take my advice and purchase one of the smaller Ass Spark plugs if you are a beginner at this. You don’t want to do
what I did and end up buying one that was way too big to be using for a first
timer and end up hurting yourself. It took me almost a year before I could even
think about doing any kind of anal play after that little incident. But I
persevered and kept my curiosity about it and found a smaller plug that I could
use from