My First Experience with the Ass Spark


I’m the type of guy that is always looking for new and exciting sexual experiences. So when I found out about the ass spark, I was thrilled and anxious to give it a try. The only reason I knew about it is because a friend of mine had been using one for over a year. What’s more, he even has swimsuits that you can simply connect it to inside and wear it all day while you’re enjoying a day at the beach. Obviously, since it’s made to stimulate a man, it also keeps your cock at least halfway erect. That goes a long way in filling out the front of your swimsuit and you’ll get all of these really lustful looks because of it.


I’m getting off track, though. Now back to how I learned about the ass spark. My friend and I were heading to the beach for the weekend and I saw him packing this rather odd looking device. I asked him about it and he was very forthcoming about what the device was and what its purpose was. Then he explained how it works and told me that I didn’t realize what I was missing. At first, I thought it looked a little scary but then my friend took the bull by the horns and actually showed me how to use it. It was a little embarrassing watching him do that, but it was also kind of hot.


That’s when I insisted that he loan me his laptop for a few minutes before we left for the beach so that I could go online and order my very own ass spark. It didn’t take long to get it done because my friend showed me the website where he had purchased his. I figured that I might as well get mine from the same place since he had had such great luck with his. Within about 5 minutes, I had purchased my own toy and we were on our way. The device arrived within a couple of days and I couldn’t wait to see how it worked for me. Suffice it to say that the next time we went to the beach, I had my own ass spark.

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Sorry no models today just me wearing something I think is sexy!


Getting Pleasure with the Ass Spark

Using an Ass Spark for the first time was something I never would have expected I would have enjoyed as much as I did. I was never the type of guy that got involved in anal play for any reason. It just didn’t seem like anything I would ever enjoy no matter who I was with at the time. Yet, there was something inside me that wanted to try it out somehow and that something came out while I was looking around the Internet one night. I was bored and not looking for anything specifically related to anal sex, but I came across a site that sold these toys.

My first though at seeing an Ass Spark was one of disgust and repulsion. The thought of using something like that just felt wrong to me. It was also a bit frightening. I kept looking at the different designs, though, and started to feel curious about what they felt like. After a few weeks of trying to forget about them, I decided to go ahead and purchase one to see what it would be like to use. If I didn’t like it, I could always throw it away and put it in the closet somewhere and forget about it altogether.




I have been using my Ass Spark for over a year now and I am very happy with it. That first time of trying it out showed me that I had been missing out on a lot of fun in my life. The type of fun that only one of these items will ever let you experience. I strongly suggest guys try something like this out even if it is only once. You need to experience different things in your life and this is one experience you will never forget. I have tried forgetting it but it just isn’t something that is going to happen. Instead, I continue to enjoy this amazing little toy as often as possible.


Many swimsuits, underwear and spandex fetish wear from Koala use the Ass Spark as part of the designs. They are amazing!


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The Wonderful Ass Spark


The ass spark anal toy is one of the most unique and exciting things I have ever used in the bedroom. I never would have thought that something like this would make me feel the way they do, but I am glad that I have decided to give them a try. I’m not the type of guy that goes out and tries any sexual aspect just to see what it feels like, but this is something that actually had me curious for a long time. So I just had to find one of these marvelous little inventions and give it a shot.


I will tell you that when you first get involved in using the ass spark toy, you need to make sure that you are either prepared to take the size you purchase or buy one that is extremely small. You don’t want to be trying to force something into your ass that you can’t handle. It’s not as much fun as you might think it sounds like and you could end up hurting yourself pretty badly. Thankfully, I was using some common sense when I selected mine and went with the smaller ones.

I have been using an ass spark toy for a while now and it has completely turned my life around. I am more willing to try new things with my life to see how they are going to work out, whereas in the past, I would simply stick to the rut I forced myself into. I can enjoy things in life that I had never been willing to give a chance now as well. It seems like everything I do makes me feel better about myself and I have those wonderful toys to thank for it. At least that is what I am going to think until something different happens.

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Buying My Own Ass Spark

I tried using an ass spark a couple of weeks ago and can’t think of anything else since then. It was so amazing that my every thought eventually leads back to that moment when I first slid it inside me. The elation that I felt as it popped into place and held fast keeps coming back to me again and again. I just can’t concentrate on anything else and I need to purchase my very own so that I can enjoy it at will. Okay, maybe not at will per se, but as often as I possibly can while I am at home and no one else is around.


I would think that using an ass spark at work would probably not be something I should do. I know how I reacted to using that one for the first time and if I started moaning and yelling inside my office, then someone would come in to check on me. I can just imagine the looks I would get when they opened my office door and found me lying on my back, on my desk, with both legs up in the air moaning with orgasmic pleasure and no pants on. I would probably be asked to leave at that point in time.


I guess I should start looking around for an ass spark that I can use at home now. I have spent so much time thinking about one that I owe it to myself to take a few minutes to look around online. In fact, I probably should have spent most of the time over the last couple of weeks that I was thinking about that moment, actually purchasing and using my own little toy. If I had done that, then I probably wouldn’t have enough time to write about this. That might not have been such a bad thing after all.


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Ass stretchers, penis stretchers, cock crushers, anal plugs, male chastity, cock cages and so much more at

Ass Spark to Change your Life


Ass Spark to Change your Life

I have been using an ass spark toy for a couple of
months now and I have to admit that it is not what I thought it was going to
be. I figured that it was going to be painful to have something like this
inside me and that I probably wouldn’t enjoy it very much at all. I have found,
however, that once you get used to the way it feels inside you, there really is
no pain involved. Sure, that very first time you use it can be painful if you
aren’t used to anal play, but they have lube that will help ease the pain for
you if you need it.

I will have to say that using an ass spark that you
aren’t ready for can be the wrong decision to make for some guys. I have a
friend that used one that was probably three times the size he should have
tried and he didn’t enjoy it at all. I think I could understand that if I had
decided to go to the extreme for the very first insertion, but I was a bit
smarter than that and went with the smallest one I could find instead.

One thing I do know is that using an ass spark will
definitely show you a different side of the life you could be living. Where I
was serious and quiet all the time, I have now become more open and adventurous
even when I am out in public. I never would have thought that something as
simple as using a butt plug like this could change my whole demeanor towards
life, but that is exactly what has happened. It didn’t do it overnight or
anything, but over the last few months, I have been more outgoing and effable
than I have ever been. It’s definitely been a life changing experience for me.


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Medical marijuana

The Exciting Ass Spark

The Exciting Ass Spark

Using an ass
spark is something that I never really thought of trying before until I heard a
friend of mine talking about it. I never really considered trying anything in
the anal play arena but my friend told me that it was one of the most exciting
things he had ever tried. He was so enthusiastic that I became increasingly
curious as he continued to talk about it. I even got to the point where I
insisted on him showing me his toys so that I could see for myself what they
were like and whether or not they would be something I was might want to try.

I will tell
you that when he first started talking about his ass spark toys I thought they
were going to be huge. In fact, I figured that he was telling me about items
that I would probably never feel comfortable with in this lifetime, but I still
wanted to see what they looked like. I thought that I might be able to find
something more my size if I at least knew what it was I was supposed to be
looking for. But I wasn’t expecting the size of the items that he finally
brought out for me to look at.

His ass
spark toys were all of a rather small design. In fact, I thought he was joking
when he showed me the first one he ever used. I just knew that he was using
toys that were much bigger than that, but he probably didn’t want to scare me
off or anything. Then he told me that was the first one he ever used and, like
me, he didn’t want to try something that was too big and end up regretting it
later. I could definitely understand that, but since I knew they made smaller
ones, I was a bit more curious about what I could find to try. They may say
that curiosity killed the cat, but, in my case, curiosity just might make me
feel more alive than ever.


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, fetish spandex, Lycra sex wear, sissy wear, bikinis, thongs,
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Ass Spark for Fun Anywhere

Ass Spark for Fun Anywhere

I have an
ass spark that I am using right this very second and I can’t put into words how
exciting it is. I love being able to use something like this in the privacy of
my own home for sure, but I also enjoy the fact that you can also purchase
certain kinds of swimwear that you can actually attach one of these marvelous
items to and enjoy it out on the beach. If you have never had the opportunity
to use one of these out in public, now is your chance. You won’t regret it,
either; I can promise you that.

Of course
using something like an ass spark out in public has some risks involved. You
aren’t going to be able to do a whole lot of active based things. People are
instantly going to notice that something is different with you when you start
moving around and having an orgasm at the same time. The more movement you do
the more likely you are going to experience something that should probably stay
in the bedroom where it belongs. But there might be some people out there that
will understand and want to join you in all your fun.


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anal plugs, butt plugs, metal dildos, mens swimwear,
fetish spandex, Lycra sex wear, sissy wear, bikinis, thongs, G-strings



I have taken
my ass spark to work with me once and found that doing so can be complicated.
It’s not like you can stop using it in a split second, so don’t take it to work
if you know you are going to have a day filled with business meetings. Sure,
you might be sitting down the entire time but that isn’t going to make things
any better for you. Then you will have to excuse yourself to use the rest room
so that you can take it out. However, the next problem is where are you going
to store it? These things need to be thought out ahead of time so that you
don’t give people the wrong impression. Otherwise, have a great time with your


The Amazing, Arousing, Addictive Ass Spark

The Amazing, Arousing, Addictive Ass Spark

If you’ve never delved into anal play either a lot
or at all, you probably aren’t familiar with a great little toy known quite
appropriately as the Ass Spark. This awesome toy fits around your balls and
then you slide the other end of it where a ball rests right into your ass. Now that
will definitely put some spark in your sex play. Another thing that’s so
wonderful about it is that you can wear it all the time if you so choose. You
can wear it to work under your clothes, around the house under your boxers, or
even underneath your swimsuit. In fact, there are many swimsuits now that have
this device built right in so that you can slip into the swimsuit and into the
Ass Spark at the same time. Now, if that’s not your idea of heaven, what is?

This device works to keep you in a state of constant
sexual arousal and has even been known to cause some of the most remarkable
orgasms you just might ever have. If you don’t believe me, check out the
testimonials online from guys that have become absolutely addicted to wearing
them all the time. There are even men that have worked wearing these devices
into all the areas of their lives and no one is the wiser unless they decide to
tell people.

Wouldn’t it be fun to have a secret such as this?
Wearing your Ass Spark without anyone knowing may be one of the most
entertaining secrets you’ve ever had. You’ll probably go around all day with
this little smug smile on your face that will have others wondering what you’ve
got going on that makes you smile that way. This may also keep your stress
level down as you go about your work day responsibilities. Of course, you’ll
have to watch that your arousal level doesn’t go too high or your secret may
not be so well kept any longer.


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, fetish spandex, Lycra sex wear, sissy wear, bikinis, thongs,
G-strings and more.

Ignite Your Excitement with the Ass Spark

Ignite Your Excitement with the Ass Spark

When I first heard about the Ass Spark, I was
curious but actually thought it sounded like something that might just be a bit
painful. I mean, think about it. Those two words together simply bring about a
rather scary visual. On the other hand, I’m kind of one of those people that
love trying weird and slightly scary things. I’m also very adventurous when it
comes to new sex toys. So while I was browsing around on the Internet, it
caught my eye. After I had read the description of it, I knew right then that I
must have one.

This is the name of a rather unique butt plug. Once
you try out the Ass Spark, you’ll see instantly why it is named thus. There’s
nothing hotter and more exciting than sliding this plug right inside of your
ass. No man ever felt more of a “spark” of excitement than this device
provides. What’s even better is that you can wear it at any place at any time.
If you’ve been practicing wearing it at home, you’ll be able to wear it to work
and even out for a night on the town. No one will be the wiser, although they
may wonder at that goofy, constant smile that will stay plastered on your face.
A smile is only one of the things that the Ass Spark
will bring into your life. It will also enhance your sexual excitement even
when you’re not having sex. I know you may not believe that, but go ahead and
give it a chance. You’ll see that everything I’ve said is the absolute truth.
You’ve certainly got nothing to lose by giving it a try and everything to gain.
Just be careful that you don’t get too ambitious with the size on your first
outing. Start small and work your way up. That’s the only way to fully
appreciate everything that this device has to offer you.

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Male chastity store.

Ass Spark the Right Way

Ass Spark the Right Way

Using an ass
spark is something that shouldn’t be done by beginners that aren’t used to
having something like this inside of them. You have to work up to being able to
use something of this nature on a regular basis and still be able to function
with it in. I know this from personal experience as I tried to go to work the
very first time I ever tried one and failed miserably in even getting into my
car. The fact that the roads down my street are covered in pot holes didn’t
really help all that much, either.

I have since
learned the proper use of an ass spark device and I can safely use it all day
long without having any issues. Well, no issues besides being turned on the
entire day and trying to hide the erection I have from everyone else where I
work. Sometimes that little game gets out of hand and I have to go into the
restroom and take the device out for the rest of the day. But I still enjoy
using it as often as I possibly can, especially when I am at home and no one
else is around me.

If you are
truly interested in trying out an ass spark, then you need to do your homework
beforehand. You need to make sure that anal play is something you are really
going to be interested in no matter what and be willing to go the distance to
make sure you understand what you are doing to yourself. Then you can worry
about picking out one of these wonderful devices and trying them out to see just
how exciting they can be. Once you are used to it, you can try wearing it out
in public to see if you can handle something this erotic working away inside


See the line of Ass Spark combo cock ring butt plugs along with cock crushers, ball crushers, butt plugs, metal dildos, cock cages and so much more at The Male Chastity Store.